FRIDAY, DEC 10, 2021

Final Exit

And then what? I don't know.

Seek out the condition now that will come anyway.
H.T. Odum



Abstract: Some words in parting.

COOS BAY (A-P) — I have decided I should commit philosophical suicide because I have a message for humankind, one that I have been unable to spread otherwise, one that could matter to posterity.

If, like Ted Kaczynski, I killed enough people, some significant fraction of humanity might become aware of my manifesto. Alternative would be to hit humanity upside their blindered head with a different 2x4. Perhaps if I kill myself in such a way as to get the attention of the public, some small fraction of those who know enough to have an opinion will critically read/consider my message to humanity.

I could self-immolate in front of the UN, but that would be a variation on protest as usual. I've decided to self-euthanize and bury myself. So far as I can determine, no one has conducted a self burial.

With apologies to Robert Louis Stevenson:

Under the wide and starry sky,
I dug the grave in which I lie.
Glad did I live and gladly die,
And I laid me down with a will.

This be the verse you grave for me:
Here he lies where he longed to be;
Home is the sailor, home from sea,
And the hiker home from the hill.

I bequeath to posterity my existential concerns for humanity and the biosphere: concerns and possible solutions that matter more than my living a few more years or even a decade or two longer as my parents and grandparents did. And by the way, I'm not poor—I could go on a cruise every year and otherwise live in luxury, for a time, as most who have served modern techno-industrial society well do (for a time).



Top 10 ideas that might matter:

  1. A world language (e.g. sematography) enabling average autodidacts to teach themselves to read the Encyclopedia Bliss (impact printed on aluminum pages diverted from beer can production) to save information packages.
  2. Learn how to live properly with the planet from former expansionists who may have figured it out 1100 years ago by learning to listen.
  3. A rapid birth-off to avoid a die-off of those who vote with their feet (those voting with their feet avoid the die-off by agreeing to a rapid birth-off that also selects for foresight intelligence).
  4. A political party to end all political parties and politics.
  5. Intentional eMigration, the vote with your feet to walk away from Omelas option.
  6. Hundreds of WMUs (watershed management units) able to pass through the coming bottleneck with information (and some literate, numerate, renormalizing ecolate humans) intact to form a low density global United Federation of Watersheds.
  7. Belief-based pretend knowing/thinking as cognitive pathology recognized to destroy the modern education system.
  8. Technocracy updated: naturocracy/matriocracy for the 21st century to end the Anthropocene.
  9. A matrifocal religion compatible with evidence and reason.
  10. A design for a viable civilization.


A self-burial will involve technology, as will spread of the "news" of my death and possible spread of memes that may matter. Ted Kaczynski used the system (e.g. postal/legal system and media) and technology (e.g. bombs) in his endeavor to destroy modern techno-industrial society (and form of civilization if not by bombs, then one mind at a time on a pathway that increase geometrically).



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