Module 3-30


7. Module III: Conclusion

Quality drinking water is the first survival need for all human beings, followed immediately by health and high quality food and sustenance.  In this Module we have not only reviewed a number of promising ancient and new approaches to growing food sustainably, we have also explored the importance of farmers as the guardians and stewards of landscape and humanity’s right relationship with the ecosystems we inhabit. We have explored the importance of wilderness and the central challenge of the 21st Century: Earth Restoration through the conservation of the remaining enclaves of wilderness, as well as, the restoration and regeneration of the world’s degraded grasslands, forests and rivers.

We need to create abundant productive bio-cultural systems starting with the soil and the forests as the primary productive basis of all regenerative human cultures. If we want to stay true to the commitments to avoiding catastrophic climate change that the world’s leaders have made in Paris at COP21 in December 2015, we will need to not only shift away from fossil fuels for our transport and energy systems, we will also have to create a less fossil fuel intensive agricultural system.

Today, a large proportion of our material culture – the products, clothes and materials we use – is directly or indirectly made from fossil fuels or by-products of the petro-chemical industry. If we want to re-design the human presence and impact on Earth away from fossil resources and degenerative impacts and shift towards plant-based resources and regenerative impacts, we will have to become Earth healers and restore and regenerate ecosystems, soils, and forests everywhere. This will fix atmospheric carbon in biomass and the soil, as well as, create a new basis for circular bio-economies based on regionally grown bio-resources and food. We will return to this topic in the economic design dimension of this course.


[Modern Techno-Industrial (MTI) peoples (the 99.999%) are energy blind and time blind expansionists who cannot understand that any form of civilization based on 'unlimited yield' for humans which includes human permaculturalists 'foraging' in wilderness areas, is not remotely sustainable nor compatible with long term persistence as a viable K-strategist species (perhaps not coincidently all MTIed humans are educated, actually schooled, by the MTI serving education system). Holmgren is not a person of interest, is not someone who 'listens to Nature', but pretends to. He traffics in concepts that reference other concepts in a conceptual house of cards or mirrors that fail to reflect biophysical reality other than as imagined. In terms of saving posterity from our overshoot debt, permaculture and feng shui thinking are part of the problematique and not any soltutionatique. Fine words and mere eloquence are a distraction.]

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