Module 4-13

Marine Energy

Marine power from wave and tide is still in relatively early stages of development with many competing innovations being tested worldwide (example); however, there is great energy in the oceans and the potential will show in the next decades.

Tidal Turbine Farms are often a series of seabed-mounted turbines in a tidal flow. These flows are often strong in narrow openings between islands or in estuaries and tidal ocean bays. Where there is a narrow gap between islands and the seabed rises from deep water, the tidal flow is forced to quicken as a large volume of water is forced through a narrow channel, such as in the Gulf of Corryvreckan on the West Coast of Scotland.

Tidal turbine farm

Multiple submersed marine turbines harnessing tidal power

The Pelamis Wave Energy Converter is a large floating articulated tube, which converts the energy of the waves to hydraulic energy, which in turn drives electrical turbines.

NASA image from the Gulf of Corryvreckan. Tidal power stations can range in size from 20 to 250MW of generation capacity (more).


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