Module 4-16


In this Module on sustainable energy systems we have explored a range of already approved and tested technologies that can help us re-design our energy systems away from their dependence on fossil fuels. The energy return on energy invested (EROEI) of fossil fuels is becoming less and less, and global commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions rapidly and permanently all indicate that we are living through the transition from the fossil fuel era to the era of renewable energy systems.

Renewable energy systems of the future are likely to be decentralized yet networked into regional, national and international grids in order to allow for maximum flexibility and resilience in the system.  Each local and regional energy system will be designed in response to the ideal renewable energy sources available in that particular local. Solar photovoltaic, solar thermal, hydro-electric, wind, geo-thermal and marine energy will be harvested locally and distributed primarily locally and regionally. These systems will also be linked into the sustainable transport systems of the future which will no longer be dependent on fossil fuels and use hydrogen fuel cell or electric battery technologies to store the energy needed for transport.

With all of these technologies the most important design consideration is what renewable energy source to harvest and at what scale. All of the technologies mentioned in this section have the potential to be used as sustainable and regenerative energy option, yet applied in the wrong place and at the inappropriate scale they also can all contribute to unsustainable scenarios.  In the energy and transport systems of the future there are no one-size-fits-all silver bullet solutions.  We will have to create elegant solutions predicated by the uniqueness of place.


8.1. Pause and Bring it to Life

Using what you reflected in the previous 'Bring it to Life', now list all the things you do on a regular day, how many times do you use energy? 

What are the next steps to reduce your consumption? How can you improve the use of this energy by 1) conservation and 2) improving the quality and source where it is generated?

What other things can you change in your life to reduce and improve the use of energy?

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