Module 5-16


6. Module V: Conclusion

This Module on building systems explores how to redesign and retrofit the built environment in ways that mimic the healthy functions of ecosystems.  In designing eco-buildings, ecovillages and sustainable communities, one can well to ask: “In what way does one’s building function like a tree, and, in what way does one’s community function like a forest?”  Learning from natural systems and working with the specific climatic and ecological conditions of the places one inhabits, using ambient energy (passive solar gain and thermal mass, natural ventilation) are equally part of green building systems as are attempts to reduce the ecological, water, and carbon footprint of buildings and related infrastructure by employing regionally regenerative low-embodied energy materials that do not affect human or ecosystems health negatively.

Winston Churchill said: “First we shape our buildings, and then our buildings shape us.”  Building and retrofitting green infrastructures that support healthy individuals and healthy communities to have a regenerative impact on the ecosystems they inhabit and depend upon, are very important aspects of the transition to diversely adapted regenerative cultures and sustainable communities. Whole systems design can help to create synergies between the social, ecological, economic and worldview dimension of design for sustainable communities.  Whilst this Module may not make instant built environment professionals, it empowers one to better understand the negative implications of and capacitate a more informed level of advocacy towards regenerative solutions.

6.1. Bring it to Life!

What is your reaction to the whole system solutions presented? Can you see some applicable to your community? To your life and reality? How are they appropriate to the economic, social and cultural realities of where you live?

Can you think of transitional whole systems solutions that may be applicable to what is already in existence in your community or life?

Share your ideas in the forum.


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