Universal Declaration of Natural Rights, 2019

As interpreted



Abstract: Upon reading the relentlessly humancentric Universal Declaration of Human Rights and noting that in 2014 the UN declared everyday to be Human Rights Day, members of the Naturocracy Alliance agreed to rewrite the declaration.

COOS BAY (A-P) —As the first proclamation of the Naturocracy Alliance was to unanimously declare everyday to be Earth Day, the question arose as to whether there would be an exception in that one day (instead of 365 or 366 days) would be Human Day. After everyone had their say, a consensus self-organized to declare Earth Day 25 Dec to also be known as Hu-man Day as we hu-mans of NIMH should set aside one day to remember why we decided to live in a naturarchy.

Human rights are as interpreted, claimed, declared, asserted.... They are demands for power within the political power structures that arise within complex societies. 'I have a right...' means I demand/claim/have the power to...', e.g. 'I have the right to own energy slaves'. Any implication that a right is conferred, granted, innate, self-evident, ordained by some implied higher power or principle is as interpreted. In nature-speak the concept is absent. In political-speak it is foundational. So 'natural rights' is incoherent.

But 'natural law' is not. The usage of the word 'rights' is transitional. In political-speak the meme 'the rule of law' was used for the first time in the preamble to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948. The assumption was that all laws are as determined by humans and that such laws rule in that they determine the outcome of complex systems. This illusion, corrected, becomes 'the rule of natural law', organizing principles, and naturocracy. So 'natural rights' is transitional, allows hu-mans to conceptually iterate towards 'natural law' and 'the rule of natural law' or 'the rule of law' as Nature has all the answers and is sole determiner of what works, so there are no other laws. Can hu-mans understand Nature's laws anymore than a dog can understand calculus? I don't know and neither do you.

The Laws of Nature are conceptual approximations, best guesses, so don't believe in any of them. Any physicist who thinks they fully understand the second law of thermodynamics doesn't, much less do any understand quantum mechanics appart from approximation. We don't 'know' anything about the nature of things, but we can iterate towards a better understanding for the price of an effort.

In the United Federation of Watersheds, humans rights were merely asserted as a manner of speaking: e.g. the right of children to access Rosetta Bliss and Encyclopedia Bliss available at the Federation Embassy; the right to vote with your feet, to leave your watershed of birth, and travel to another that, if any, would have you as a member. If born into a watershed management unit where all normal adults lived and worked to engage in drunken parties, a child could learn that not all people live this way and come to regard such a life as profoundly aberrant. They could apply to emigrate, and if any offers, to travel at walking speed through intervening watersheds.


Universal Declaration of Natural Rights, 2019



Whereas recognition of the error, ignorance, and illusion that limits our understanding of Nature's laws also limits our ability to live properly with the world system, we note that we don't have to listen to Nature and can do whatever we want, i.e. pursue our short-term self interests, for a time. We can also overshoot and collapse our complex society as usual, and extinction of humans could be the outcome as Nature is unkind,

Whereas disregard and contempt for Nature and Nature's laws have resulted in our pending collapse of complex society (as with all prior ones) and in the manufacture of we hu-mans of NIMH, those who adapt to the coming Simplification shall come to know that freedom is the recognition of necessity and that our obedience to the nature of things is the better way. By choiceless awareness of the What-is, apart from which not a thing is, we may come to prosper and persist. But be afraid as Nature is unkind. Listen. Listen to Nature who has all the answers,

Whereas it is essential, if hu-mans are not to be compelled to go extinct, that we declare upon the altar of evidence, reason and best-guess intuition—eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of hu-mans, especially that of lies, viral beliefs, misinformation and disinformation,

Whereas it is essential to promote the development of tolerable relations between watershed management units (WMUs),

Whereas the peoples of the United Federation of Watersheds affirm their understanding of Nature and Nature's laws by their continued membership,

Whereas Member Watersheds have pledged themselves to achieve, in co-operation with the Federation, the promotion of universal respect for Nature and observance of natural 'rights' and fundamental responsibilities,

Whereas a common understanding of these rights and responsibilities is of great importance for the full realization of this pledge,

Now, Therefore THE NATUROCRACY ALLIANCE proclaims THIS UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF NATURAL RIGHTS as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all WMUs, to the end that every individual and every other subsystem of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by critical thinking, self-education and listening to Nature to promote respect for these rights and responsibilities to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member Watersheds themselves and those who have yet to live under Nature's jurisdiction.

Article 1.

All human beings share a genome in common and may interbreed. They may also share memes that may enable them to live properly in long-term prosperity with the planetary life-support system. Other memes may be an existential threat to humanity and the biosphere, may be lethial and may spread virally.


Article 2.

Everyone is entitled to live and die as responsible members of a sustainable community of evolving beings. All who endeavor may fail without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, regional or social origin, property, birth or other status as no one has a right to life. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or territory to which a person belongs, as all may fail to persist.


Article 3.

Everyone has the right to vote with their feet, to move to a watershed management unit that has accepted them as a member.


Article 4.

No one shall be prevented from keeping or using slaves (e.g. animal, wage, energy slaves) as the Federation does not limit local policies other than as conflict with the Constitution of the United Federation of Watersheds, which includes protection of Federation citizens judged unable to give consent to abuse or neglect, such as children and disabled adults (e.g. children must have access to baseline health care and educational materials such as Rosetta Bliss, and not subjected to genital mutilation or psychoactive recreational drugs).


Article 5.

No one shall be subjected to indoctrination and those who are, along with the perpetrators, shall be provided belief therapy.


Article 6.

Everyone has the responsibility to live within limits.


Article 7.

All are subject to Federation law and to those of the watershed they reside in or are passing through provided they do not contravene Federation law.


Article 8.

Everyone has the right to time limited passage through intervening watersheds and to camp at designated camping sites at a rate an elderly person or child can walk or be pushed by means their companions provide.

Article 9.

No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or servitude while crossing a WMU.

Article 10.

Everyone is entitled to be wrong, to fail to listen to Nature—to learn about what works, and thereby fail to live, for otherwise there can be no life-driven purpose.


Article 11.

Nature, who has all the answers, alone determines what works long-term. Humans don't get a vote.


Article 12.

Lord Man, Anthropocene enthusiasts, shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with their privacy, family, home or correspondence, and to attacks upon their honor, reputation, pretenses, and other presumptions of supremacy such as the nature of things shall offer disconfirming evidence. Everyone has the right to be reminded of their error, ignorance, and illusions.


Article 13.

Everyone who rejects Federation limits, as equably applied to all citizens, can vote with their feet and move to an Abandoned Area beyond all Watershed Management Units and see how that works for them.


Article 14.

Everyone has the right to live in proximity to others within the WMU of their birth or that has accepted them as citizens while living, in so far as possible, solitary lives.


Article 15.

Humans are citizens of their place of birth until they emigrate elsewhere to an accepting WMU or renounce their citizenship and move to an Abandoned Area.


Article 16.

(1) Two humans can pair-bond and deal with resulting issues.
(2) Arranged marriages are a local WMU issue.
(3) Pair-bonds involving children are subSYSTEMs within the over-arching social order.


Article 17.

A person traveling through a WMU shall not have their property taken by locals.


Article 18.

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, freedom from ideology, political or religious; this right includes freedom to believe nothing, to not believe in belief.


Article 19.

(1) Everyone has the right to have free access to Rosetta Bliss, and to pursue self-education via access to Encyclopedia Bliss.
(2) Everyone may apply for admission to the Federation Academy of Evidence and Reason.


Article 20.

(1) Citizens may violently overthrow a WMU's control SYSTEM, or otherwise alter it.
(2) Citizens may withdraw from the Federation, no violence required, to forgo all Federation benefits and protection from conquest or consequences of mismanagement.


Article 21.

(0) You must play the game: If the heat energy of two systems are each in thermal equilibrium with a third one, then they are in thermal equilibrium with each other.
(1) You cannot win. Heat is. Energy cannot be created or destroyed.
(2) You cannot break even. Change requires energy to be transformed into heat. ("Things fall apart."—W.B. Yeats.)
(3) You cannot get out of the game. As heat approaches absolute zero, movement approaches zero, but absolute-zero is an imaginary state. You cannot stop movement; you cannot change a system into what it is not.
(4) You cannot pulse sustainably if boundaries/thresholds are transgressed, e.g. cancer and empire-building. Nature selects for self-organizing open thermodynamic systems that persist by maximizing empower within a pulsing paradigm.
(5) You cannot change just one thing in a complex system. In complex open systems an energy hierarchy forms with higher quality energy (of higher Transformity) enabling the complexity via a network of energy feedback loops that maximize empower.
(6) You cannot live by energy alone. System pulsing in an energy hierarchy depends on a flow of materials enabled by the quality of energy used in the flow.
(7) You cannot get richer. You can have enough, but MORE! impoverishes in the long-run. To want more than you actually need is a pathology, e.g. an osprey that eats more fish than it needs [to exceed flyable body weight rather than maintain it] just because it can without knowing when to stop, or anyone living in industrial society. To not know your wants from your needs is true ignorance, is to be a denizen of the consumer society [for a time] as a hu-man of NIMH circling a behavioral sink. In complex societies money flows opposite to real wealth, and its value is counterfeit.


Article 22.

Everyone, as a member of Spaceship Earth, has the right to pass on such genes and memes as Nature selects for.


Article 23.

(1) Everyone has the right to 'live rightly, die, die....'
(2) Everyone, as a storytelling animal, can tell stories to live and die by.
(3) Everyone who works has the right to be happy in their systems work.
(4) Everyone has the right to love that well which all must leave ere long.


Article 24.

Everyone has the right to slack off while the slacking is good. You shall not waste potential energy and may know what is right by its part in survival of thy subsystem.


Article 25.

All organisms have the right to to be agents that maximize empower.


Article 26.

(1) Everyone has the right to learn to love and understand life, the universe, and everything as autodidacts.
(2) Education shall promote systems thinking.
(3) Parents control early childhood education before they enter any organized educational subSYSTEM.


Article 27.

Those who give expression to inter visions, in audio, visual, kinetic, or cognitive forms, may gift them to the public and posterity for consideration.


Article 28.

This Declaration shall be imposed universally upon all citizens of WMUs


Article 29.

(1) Everyone has duties to the community apart from which they would not exist, persist, nor pass on genes or memes.
(2) In the exercise of rights and responsibilities, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of complying with Nature apart from which no communities of functional humans would exist or persist.


Article 30.

Nothing in this Declaration should be interpreted as implying humancentrism or supremacy despite the frequent focus on humans.


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