'Education: that which reveals to the wise, and conceals from the stupid, the vast limits of their knowledge.... I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.' —Mark Twain
‘It’s time for the dissolution of the universities, they are very like the Church was way back in the Middle Ages. They’ve got too comfortable and cosy, and they’re not really doing their job.... The only real purpose of [groups] is to select the date for their next meeting.... Too many Greens are not just ignorant of science; they hate science.... In 50 years’ time, which is far beyond anything I would care to predict, if there are people sitting around like we’re sitting now, I think they’ll have gone a few stages further in … accepting that the planet’s alive [thinking in systems], and using that in their ordinary conversation. But I don’t think it’ll be very big scientifically. Think of Darwin and natural selection. Fifty years after he introduced it, it was hardly mentioned at all.’ —James Lovelock
Abstract: H.G. Wells was interested in developing a viable theory of revolution to avoid the coming catastrophe he foresaw. The deeply held consensus narratives of our modern techno-industrial society are taught by the over 25,000 universities/colleges needed to produce servants of the global socio-political economic growth system. Meanwhile, the pace of planetary destruction has not slowed. Wells envisioned the Old Education system, that specialized in creating expert idiot savants to serve the system, being replaced by a foundationally New Education system, formal and informal. The race he envisioned between education and catastrophe in 1920 had not yet been lost. In 1933 he published The Shape of Things to Come which foresaw the raise of the New Education and the world revolution it instigated and enabled. We lost the race before 1950 as evidenced by almost all products of the ongoing Old Education system thinking we won. Due to system delays, the first inflextion towards climax looked like progress until about 1980 when our collective intelligence, our ability to grasp reality, climaxed.
COOS BAY (A-P) — A New Education system, one that does not serve a BAU (business as usual) techno-industrial society, will... be different from the one that schooled you. Sorry about that.
The New Education will assist those who would rather know than believe, from early childhood on, to guess then test to iterate towards better views, to endeavor to think well, to inquire into the nature of things, to understand something of the Cosmos—the whole Shebang, by listening to Nature who has all the answers, and thereby enable humanity to persist. Students will self-select into the New Education system as autodidacts who will have frequent cause to be reminded that they have a fool for a teacher. All will be students for 18 years minimally before presuming they may know enough to have a tenitive opinion or be of service, and longer to learn that their ealier presumings were wrong.
Natural languages number in the thousands (6k+) and change over time. They serve social purposes which may involve whispering sweet nothings or obfuscating. The New Education will be based on a universal written language which may be spoken, but global comunication in the present, and access to offerings of those long dead, will be in an ideographic constructed written language that a curious child can learn via a primer that connects pictures to symbols, such as a number of things, e.g. five apples, to the symbol 5, or the idea of 'tree' to a symbol such as or bird to
or raptor, bird of prey, to
. To write '5 birds/bäume/деревья/izihlahla/δέντρα/árboles...' all natural language users wanting to communicate with all other natural language users would write: 5
. They could also thereby communicate with posterity or read translated works of the past lives of humans who left records.
Ideographic forms would be well defined, clear, and remain stable over time. They would facilitate clear meaning, clarity of thought, and so would not be favored by demagogues, priests, and provocateurs. The language would be the 'algegra of thought' envisioned by Leibniz.
Learning the universal language would begin in infancy by exposure to hearing the spoken form, and later to a progressive series of lessons that visually connect ideas to symbols, from simple to more complex. Adults may or may not help, but the primer, Rosetta Bliss, would be designed to allow autodidacts to learn the language without instruction in their tribe's/society's natural social language. Access to the primer would be universal such that a child of hunter-gatherer nomads who were illiterate, could borrow the primer, teach themselves to read, borrow other books, and eventually be accepted into the Academy of Evidence and Reason, and end up authoring books or teaching at the academy.
Information that would take 18 years for most to take in would be presented for consideration in the 99 volume Encyclopedia Bliss that would be organized sequentially by concept, not alphabetically, and with Rosetta Bliss, would also be universally accessable. Students who had read the encyclopedia could apply for admission to the Federation Academy for advanced study that would involve access to many more books, to facilities such as labs, and to tools and instruments needed to ask Nature questions. Most of the graduates of the Academy would return to their place of birth to be of service. Self-education and inquiry would be maximized and schooling minimized.
Areas of focused inquiry would be the dots, and systems thinking would connect the dots. The three pilars of the educated mind would be 1) ecolacy, the ability to connect dots (i.e. be systems science literate or ecolate), 2) numeracy, the ability to work with numbers, and 3) literacy, the ability to read, write, and speak in Bliss. Some specialists would employ other diagramatic lanuages or symbolics.
The endeavor would be to understand the unosphere and learn to live with it properly, in such a manor as to persist as the millennia and eons pass, and to evolve into forms most beautiful and most wonderful. Evolvable humans would be the product of the New Education.
The difference is that the Old Education is humancentric and the New is naturcentric. Both views cannot be correct (humans are or are not central to the universe). One can be the better view humans need to iterate towards understanding, to perhaps come to have some grasp of the what's out there (e.g. laws of energetics), i.e. not believing in comforting illusions. Today's Universities have failed to note that 'carrying capacity' and 'overshoot' and 'limits to growth' apply to modern techno-industrialized humans who do not differ in kind from other organisms. If humans go extinct in the next thousand years (or end up eating each other), the Old Education system may be considered a failure the size of Olymus Mons should an Oomicron archaeologist ever come and reconstruct a narrative of our times.
In the current modern techno-industrial society's schooling system, about 22,000 universities/colleges teach the pretend science of neoclassical economics, often as a required course, to students unaware of science-based economics (e.g. biophyical economics and, at least in part, ecological economics, of which those who pretend to run the show, leaders of all ilk, know next to nothing of). No conventional economists, administrators, or other approved thought leaders mention that what they are being taught is not science. Some 7,000 PhDs in conventional belief-based economics are minted each year to supply the demand of government, business, and the public to help the system keep on keeping on growing the economy in the firm conviction that we can (sustainably, of course).
The current schooling system still makes room for the theologians whose former narrative of the divine right of kings, aka God's mandate, was needed by the agrarian feudal system to keep on keeping on. Their system serving dogmas gave way to those serving the fossil fueled (for a time) industrial society we live in that depends on the narrative of Growth's mandate that conventional economists sing of and pontificate on.
The transition from the feudal to industrial system was a change of guard, not a revolutionary change. The source of empower for the growth of empire transitioned from agrarian and wood, with some wind and water power, to fossil fuel driven growth in the 18th century. The Old Guard theologians still had a place at the table. Today, neoclassical theologians still dominate the monetary culture's education (schooling) system.
The first inflextion point in the advancement of science may have been in the 1930s when the rate of growth towards a matter-energy systems worldview within the collective mind (the sea of error, ignorance, and illusion, i.e. credulity) began to slow (even if not within the collective mind of science), to climax about 1980. Credulity is not increasing post-truth, our collective grasp of reality is in decline even within the hallowed halls of inquiry.
In the New Education system, should there yet be one, if any remnant theologians or neoclassical economists meet in private to discuss their verities, they may be overlooked if their numbers are in decline, but they will have no seat in any Federation Academy for the same reason those who teach Vedic astrology (which they have a PhD in) in universities in India will have none. If this is not clear, then no revolutionary change is being considered. Endgame over.
The Modern Techno-Industrial Dream...
Because you have to be asleep to believe it.
Everyone I know or know of who thinks they know enough to have an opinion (i.e. the educated) about anything outside their specialty (who for some reason always omit the BS after their name when opining) sees their job as one of informing the leaders of the world (and the public they serve). Give them (our leaders/public servants whose job it is to solve humanity's problems) the best guess information, then you can sip your latte in your home with a view while your Tesla recharges.
Put all the world's thought leaders (storytellers, e.g. politicians, CEOs, NGO leaders, military, clergy, media pundits, higher school educators...) in a country (whose residents agree to trade places with them) and the whole passel of them could do only one thing: bark at each other. None could grow corn or make a tortilla. And those who serve by informing the great leaders (and singing their song) would have gone with them. A New Education system could then auto-organize. Problematique solved after maybe 8 to 20 generations of renormalizing.