True Stories

The illusions of the modern hubris-man swarm



Abstract: I read an answer on Quora that is indisputably true. I did not answer the question on Ouora, but I can here without provoking amygdala reactivity.

COOS BAY (A-P) — Why hasn't the flat Earth theory been totally destroyed already? Answer by,

Bruce Aiken, Architect & Structural Engineer:

You can’t destroy the truth the same as you can’t extinguish the light of the Sun. You can only have people stay in their house with the windows closed and curtains drawn. The more deluded fools hole themselves up in underground caves [aka labs, universities] and walk around in utter darkness. If they are exposed to the light, they become totally blind.

There may be darkness inside but outside it is still shining bright. Likewise, in the minds of the deceived fools, outside the atmosphere of the Earth there exists a dark black empty void, because that is the reality that was created for them and they have deceived themselves and love the lie.

In fact, they are like in a deep sleep and they hate the light and refuse to open their eyes [we live, they sleep]. For those that were asleep and love the truth [seekers] they have gone outside the government propaganda indoctrination and Hollywood television programming [shadows on the wall] and seen that the light is good and life is great. They have conducted their own experiments and tested the claims of the priests ‘the scientists’. They are special and created for a purpose [to declare that the world of the scientistic lovers of lies is false].

Inside the caves where fools [see below] reside, believing themselves wise, they believe they are merely an animal [dysfunctional] on an insignificant speck of cosmic dust in an infinite fantasy world brought to life by cartoons and NASA/Disney/Hollywood false images. They are forced to eat worms [e.g. putative facts believed by those whose 'worm does not die'] and wander around in darkness not able to understand their environment and having to imagine something that doesn’t exist instead.

Bruce Aiken,




Alt Answer

Do I believe Earth is an oblate spheroid whose polar diameter is 42.72 km less than its equatorial diameter? No, absolutely not. I don't believe in evolution either. Indeed, I don't believe in belief, so I don't believe anything (after breakfast). But I once believed in trickle-down economics (and sometimes, before breakfast, I still do).

I cannot react to the above answer as I find no fault in it. I can only note that I tell a different story. Through no fault of my own, I had no religious upbring nor was politics or popular culture mentioned. My parents were the stuff of uneducated Appalachian hill people and judged themselves, no longer being in the hills, to have nothing to teach me about how the educated see the world or anything else.

In school I was viewed as backward to such an extent as to be uneducable (hence 'social promotion' was called for). I attended classes on the other side of the spectrum the gifted students went to, I never did homework as the schooling system had to lower their expectations in some cases. Curiously, I was well below average in my rate of maturation. By the end of high school, when the rate of maturation of my chronological peers was slowing, I began to ask questions (but not by asking others).

I've never sailed around the world, but part of it I have and the celestial navigation thing worked, and I notice that in Australia the moon looks upside down as seen from where I grew up, but I'm just an ignorant know-nothing from the hood who in truth doesn't know anything. Still, at one point I got the impression I knew a few things. But thinking I know anything was an illusion caused by eight years of college/university schooling and seven years of literally living in the nine story library with open stacks on the UCSB campus while living on the streets nearby in the back of a 1954 Ford pickup (during the energy crises of 1973 and 1979, I read about the long lines at gas stations, but as I only moved the pickup every couple of weeks to show it wasn't an abandoned vehicle, I only know of gas shortages by reading about them. I only read stuff about nine months a year, as I spent my summers traveling as a migrant farmworker, including when doing most of the formal schooling thing (six years).

As an autodidact, I deigned to include science and religion among my limited interests (don't ask me about Italian opera). Compared to me, flat-earthers are the epitome of normality. They have plenty of books, websites, and social (media or not) groups to attend. The scholarly can attend Flat Earth Conferences. I missed the 2019 International one, and with Covid I'm not sure when the next will be, but I can keep checking. I bookmarked their FB page

In my different story, there are humans who endeavor to listen to Nature who has all the answers. They iterate towards truth, but don't know it. They guess, then test for the pleasure of finding thingings out (maybe), and otherwise endeavor to tell likely stories. But they know that a story is not the subsystem (aka 'thing') described, e.g. that a climate model is not the climate of the third rock from Sol.

We are Homo s. sapiens var. narrator, the storytelling animal, but none of us like that story. We would rather tell other stories about how humans are different in kind from other animals. I tell of how to solve the human problematique (rapid degrowth), but at least 99.99+% of humans would rather go extinct than degrow their economy. But that's another story.

Eric Lee,
"Go, set a watchman, let him declare what he seeth." — Isaiah 21:6



The Better Answer:

There are no true stories;



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