Universal Declaration of Human Pathology, 2019

A declaration of universal human error, ignorance, and illusion



Abstract:Pathing, from Greek pathos or 'suffering', is the modern (past 10K years) individual human problematique. [1] Human psychosocial pathology is universal. [2] Our pathing is secondary to belief-based error, ignorance, and illusion. To have beliefs is to be had by them. Possessed minds are dysfunctional, but [3] our pathologies are not innate, merely inherited, acquired, so belief therapy—all-encompassing doubt and inquiry, is corrective. [4] The end of pathing is universal non-belief.

The Four Noble Truths Premises are:

[1] Empire-building human life is dysfunctional.
[2] Modernity (unmanaged complex society) is the cause.
[3] Our pathos has an end.
[4] The end of pathing is universal non-belief that enables us to listen.

COOS BAY (A-P) — If political modernity began in 1948, as gifted by a universal declaration of UN wordsmiths that no nation-state voted against, and as our way of life is dysfunctional, then a post-political modernity declaration could make matters worse (or be corrective). If the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, on the right of all citizens to serve their nation-state, of 1948 laid the foundation for today's 'rules of the game' that defined outcome, then declaring that we got it wrong is corrective, or a good start.

Universal Declaration of Human Pathing


Whereas we are often wrong and could be wrong about everything, we will consider the possibility that if we endeavor to know, to guess then test, then we may come to iterate towards knowing what-is,

Whereas we would like to believe that we are right about everything we think Nature is trying to tell us, that we can believe deeply in what we feel compelled to believe in, we can but listen to Nature who has all the answers, who doesn't care what we believe or don't believe, want or don't want, like or don't like,

Whereas we want to work to achieve a future condition such as we can in our most exalted dreams envision, to be sane we can but seek out the condition now that will come anyway,

Whereas we feel driven to see the planet as a cornucopia of resources for the taking, before so taking it we will ask ourselves, "And then what?",

Whereas we love the sound of our words, words, words, we notice that Nature does not, that Nature is unkind, providing abundance only for those who live within limits and listen, as to think is to listen, so we listen,

Whereas we like to see ourselves as free, freedom is the recognition of necessity, so we choicelessly recognize what is in front of our face,

Whereas our technoindustrial complex society selects for short-term self-interst, we shall revel in our systems work rejoicing in happiness that finds us only in this good service,

Now, Therefore THE FEDERATION proclaims THIS UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN PATHING as a common standard of self-knowledge for all industrialized peoples, to the end that every individual and every organ of complex society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by questioning and doubting everything to promote respect for these errors and pathologies and by iterative measures, to secure their universal and effective recognition and acknowledgment, both among the peoples of Member Watersheds themselves and among the peoples of communities under their jurisdiction.

Article 1.

All human beings are born as subsystems composed of subsystems on down to the quantum, within inclusive subsystems, e.g. Earth and her waters, on up to Cosmos. Humans are endowed with complex verbal behaviors allowing for storytelling by concept forming minds that should endeavor to iterate towards knowing then their true Nature.


Article 2.

Everyone is entitled to fail, to 'stop a hole to keep the wind away', without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, everyone is entitled to endeavor to acquire and pass on such information as works, that Nature selects for.


Article 3.

Everyone may vote in matters of taste or preference, but otherwise, in matters of what works, no one gets a vote.


Article 4.

All shall be held in slavery and servitude to the what-is; obedience to the nature of things shall be embraced in all efforts to find real solutions to the human problematique.


Article 5.

No one shall be enabled to subject Nature's eighty percent to short-term extractive exploitation secondary to a failure to manage human demands on Nature's resources within their claimed twenty percent.


Article 6.

Everyone may vote with their feet, to transit intervening watersheds to reside in another watershed that would have them as a member per invitation as mutually agreed to.


Article 7.

All humans are subject to system law, to the biophysical laws of Nature.

Article 8.

All humans are subject to SYSTEM law, to watershed laws they are citizens of or are transiting, and to Federation defined limits.

Article 9.

No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest or detention while transiting a watershed.

Article 10.

To know then thyself, everyone is entitled to access to Rosetta Bliss and Encyclopedia Bliss.

Article 11.

Everyone charged with questioning a verity or thinking unthinkable thoughts shall be presumed normal.


Article 12.

No one shall be subjected to religious or political beliefs and those possessed by them shall be offered belief therapy.


Article 13.

(1) Everyone can apply to work within another watershed as a migrant laborer for a time agreed upon.
(2) Everyone can apply to immigrate to another watershed that agrees to accept them as a citizen.


Article 14.

(1) Anyone may live alone within a watershed's twenty percent.
(2) Everyone may apply to visit Nature's eighty percent provided they leave no trace of there passing.


Article 15.

(1) Everyone may apply to reproduce sexually within their watershed of residency.
(2) No one shall be required to reproduce sexually or pass on their memes.


Article 16.

(1) Home is where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in.
(2) All may endeavor to make a home that would have them as a member.


Article 17.

(1) Everyone may claim such personal property as they may carry on their person.
(2) What is not personal property is not for the taking, whether from man or Nature.


Article 18.

Everyone firmly entitled to not believe any claim or deeply held assertion, and may subject all beliefs to the flames of an all consuming doubt, to seek freedom from religeous and political thought such as anyone, including a parent, may attempt to inflect upon them.


Article 19.

Everyone may consider the possibility that they might be wrong, that they may not know enough to have an opinion and on grounds of ignorance to not vote.


Article 20.

(1) Everyone ahall be called upon to assert their firmly held conviction that they might be wrong about anything and everything.
(2) No one may be compelled to consider the possibility that they might be right about any claim.
(3) The claim that one is always wrong, might be wrong.


Article 21.

(1) Everyone must serve their system.
(2) Everyone may serve their SYSTEM if able to.


Article 22.

(1) Everyone, as a citizen of a watershed that approved their birth or immigration, shall have enough of what is needed or 0.8 of enough as agreed to by members of the watershed.
(2) No ome may consume more than 1.2 times enough as agreed to by members of the watershed, as greater inequality selects for pathology.


Article 23.

All humans may refue to work for money, to just say no to wage slavery.


Article 25.

(1) Everyone, as a citizen of a watershed that approved their birth or immigration, shall have just enough necessities to provide for the health and well-being, including food, clothing, housing and medical care, security, and necessary social services to not have more than a five percent increase in mortality risk.
(2) Those who require special care and assistance, shall enjoy the same social security.


Article 26.

Parents, gramd-paremts. and other teachers may not teach their children what to think.


Article 27.

Everyone may author and offer memes for consideration, but may not claim ownership.


Article 28.

Everyone is entitled to a social and interwatershed order in which the guidelines set forth in this Declaration can be considered.


Article 29.

(1) Everyone has duties to the community and environment they are a product of.
(2) Everyone shall be subject to Federation defined limits.
(3) Those unable to live within limits may vote with their feet and travel to the border of an Abandoned Zone and enter, but not return.


Article 30.

Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any watershed, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to have any right whatsoever, as Nature alone determines what works, what will be selected for as the millennia pass.



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